
Regret after finishing

Does anybody else get stuffed, and then after cumming regret it? The rest of my day is always just uncomfortable, gassy and the enjoyment of the roundness is gone.
1 week

Regret after finishing

Does anybody else get stuffed, and then after cumming regret it? The rest of my day is always just uncomfortable, gassy and the enjoyment of the roundness is gone.

You are probably eating something that doesn't agree with your system. What do you usually stuff yourself with?
1 week

Regret after finishing

Just finished a big salad and milkshake, about an hour after big spaghetti dinner. Could push my gut out anymore, it was bloated and full and felt really stuffed and good. But after relieving myself I was done with the fetish and just wanted to continue about my evening. I almost wish I could snap my fingers and remove the evidence of a stuffing after I’m done enjoying it.
1 week

Regret after finishing

Just finished a big salad and milkshake, about an hour after big spaghetti dinner. Could push my gut out anymore, it was bloated and full and felt really stuffed and good. But after relieving myself I was done with the fetish and just wanted to continue about my evening. I almost wish I could snap my fingers and remove the evidence of a stuffing after I’m done enjoying it.

Yeah, no wonder your guts were bubbling with that. Lactose, fiber, and starch. That's a "I'm not moving for the rest of the evening" kind of meal.

You should probably switch to easier-to-digest foods. Also, consider stuffing while you watch something. Maybe binge a series while you binge eat. This way, you get to enjoy your evening while having a full belly.
1 week

Regret after finishing

I find that most of my discomfort occurs when I eat a lot way to fast so I just try to eat slower generally, sometimes I just get excited and want to eat everything really quickly and I get a bit painfully full.

The other part comes from eating spicy stuff I generally like spicy food and can tolerate a lot of spice but I try to avoid it because my body rejects it at the ripe age of 31 my body just can’t handle spicy food anymore I still love spicy food

I should probably mention that spaghetti is probably one of the worst things to get really stuffed on imo, the acidic nature of the tomato sauce and the oiliness and alot of it? You’re asking for problems imo
1 week

Regret after finishing

Does anybody else get stuffed, and then after cumming regret it? The rest of my day is always just uncomfortable, gassy and the enjoyment of the roundness is gone.

I’m also realizing you getting stuffed and then masturbating until orgasm then coming to regret it is probably more so like post nut clarity than it is anything to do with your stomach being full.
1 week

Regret after finishing

Yes, especially the day after when all the food has moved down and is uncomfortable, I'm bloated and puffy looking, and my body is struggling to "right" itself.
5 days

Regret after finishing

Yes, especially the day after when all the food has moved down and is uncomfortable, I'm bloated and puffy looking, and my body is struggling to "right" itself.

Make sure you drink water and get some fiber when you do that. Makes things move better.
5 days